Address: Papaflessa 28,
Neo Psychiko, 154 51
Phone: +30 210 6561200
Fax: +30 210 6561202
To offer to the World
by providing evolutionary technology solutions that serve
the environment, human well-being, and water utilities
and contribute to global sustainability.
To optimize the operations
of water utilities,
by implementing evolutionary technology solutions
that enhance their sustainability and elevate customer satisfaction.
We, the people of Agiltech,
have chosen to unify and combine our efforts as an interdependent community of employees (full and part time), shareholders, and investors,
guided by the shared principles of integrity, sincerity, compassion,
with the intention of providing a sustainable, satisfying livelihood/income and quality of life for all our employees and their dependents, as well as commensurately sustainable and satisfying results for our shareholders and investors,
through the realization of our purpose to offer value to our planet through local societies by providing holistic technology solutions and services that serve human life, the environment, and infrastructures related to main uses and facets of water.
Our solutions are regularly updated for being easy-to-use, beautifully visualized, adaptable to our customers’ everyday operations. This is achieved by listening to our customers with empathy and patience and taking their proposals, opinions, & comments seriously into consideration, whatever the challenges.
Being effective and consistent in completing our tasks successfully should be our continuous responsibility. All employees should prove our consistency in following community goals and provide our deliverables effectively.
Everyone knows what happens if some cells of our body follow an agenda different than that of the whole body. The sustainability of our community is more important than each individual’s personal interest.
Whoever of us is a shareholder of Agiltech, whether he is founder, employee or investor, contributes accordingly to the sharing of profits and losses.
We appreciate engagement and loyalty and we reward them according to the committed employee’s personalized interests.
Each one of us has their own duties to perform according to our roles in the community. Although duty as a meaning is seldom sweet, we feel euphoria by doing our duties well.
We have the will for continuous self-improvement. The software that we are successfully providing today, we will try to enhance it tomorrow. We strive for admirable work, both for our professional ecosystem and ourselves as well.
We show a basic trust among ourselves that we can get our work done, perform our role, and carry our share of the load, without close supervision, constant monitoring, or micromanagement.
We believe in planning. But as Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke said “no plan survives contact with the enemy”. Since we operate in a continuous changing environment we have to work with agility. Thus, we try to act fast, with adaptation to any change.
We prefer to recruit people with initiative and decision making skills to our community and we support them to cultivate these characteristics.
Almost each day someone offers us some help, most often in unpredictable ways, often by overcoming their official authority or job description. To express our gratitude in whatever way we can and in a way someone would accept, is a continuous concern for us. And we always start with a “thank you”.
We provide any assistance we can to the members of our professional ecosystem trying to have no expectations, whether they are individuals or corporations.
Some people have exceptional talents. E.g. someone may have been an excellent student and simultaneously a great sports leader while at school, others are quite proficient in social skills, etc. We try to attract, cultivate and retain people with exceptional talents that are directly related to the job description we need.
Our work is a team play. That requires, close collaboration, open doors, availability of the appropriate information, and open ears.
Whether it has to do with our inter-community relationships and/or the ones with our professional ecosystem.
Every day we sail into the deep and ever changing technology waters. Since many of us have a significant experience of different seas (technological or other), we must ask for opinions from our colleagues on many different topics. Although at the end of the day the one that has the authority has to make the decision, most of the times we make our decisions in a co-operative way.
Each opinion has its own value and, since no human has infallibility, we encourage the freedom for each one of us to express their ideas, opinions, and arguments, even in a passionate but always respectful and constructive way of speaking and expression, without fearing for any named or “silent” penalty.
We want our community to be the place where we are and will be purposefully engaged in whatever is really important for any one of us: access to a world of innovation, network of friends, travelling experience, technological knowledge, etc.
We have a clear purpose and mission. We base our everyday job on the goals and objectives that we set for achieving the sustainable and satisfying results mentioned in our Principles. We are often stressed to complete our tasks successfully. But – even when we are full of stress – we always remember the words of Kavafy: “As you set out for Ithaka hope the voyage is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery.”
Although Agiltech is more democratically oriented than most traditional corporations it still has to be compliant with widely known business principles. Thus, management and operation of Agiltech must be even more disciplined and competent than that of most corporations in order for us to achieve the sustainable and satisfying results that we set in our Principles.
It is normal for some employees to be charged with the role of the leader and others to support the leadership of the first. However, a clear distinction from most other corporations is that Agiltech is operated for the commensurate interest of all, employees, shareholders, and investors, rather than the typical interest structure related to the shareholders/owners and investors.
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